Letter Tributes
When having letter tributes made with myself, there are varied styles.
From the very plain, clear and simple to the extravagant decorative or football themed, it’s all down to personal preference and what portays your loved one the best; their personality, their colours, their job, their hobbies - the list can be endless.
Below describes each Sub-folder below as a Quick guide to help you choose and cost what you’re planning:
These are edged with a ribbon colour of your choice and based with white chrysanthemums. Nothing else is added and the letters are left as plain and as pure as they are.
They can also be created without the ribbon.
Priced at just £35 per letter.
For example: DAD is £105, AUNT is then £140, BROTHER is £245…. and so on.
Edged with greenery – this can be ivy, soft ruscus or a mixture of seasonal foliage and based with white chrysanthemums.
Priced at just £45 per letter.
Edged with either Ribbon, greenery or nothing at all and based with white chrysanthemums or of another colour – this will need to be discussed 5 days prior to ensure it can be ordered in.
The floral trail are best described as either much longer versions of the sprays so using up more mixed flowers to almost 30% of the letter in static positions or trailing like a river of flowers through the entire word.
The colours to be used for this will need to be discussed or very clearly updated into your Online orders Comments section.
Priced at just £50 per letter.
These are edged with either Ribbon, greenery or nothing at all and based with Colours that represent a Football team, country or other Item important to the Loved one. Letters are usually sprayed accordingly which you can appreciate, is a task to be taken with much safety precaution, so this has to be planned well in advance – this will need to be discussed 5 days prior to ensure it can be designed/coloured to your design/vision.
You may also want extra symbols added into the design too.
Priced at £60 per letter….and if anything extra is required to be ordered in, we will confirm any additionl charge.
These are not edged with ribbon. These are a complete mix of varied flowers to suit your colour theme. I would stick to 2-3 colours max as greenery and whites would be added in as gap fillers , also to separate strong colours beside one another. Seasonal flowers are used for your colour theme – this will need to be discussed 5 days prior to ensure it can be ordered in.
The colours to be used for this will need to be discussed or very clearly updated into your Online orders Comments section.
Priced at £65 per letter.
Edged with either Ribbon, greenery or nothing at all and based with white chrysanthemums on the sides only. Then the top base of each letter is filled with rose heads, clearly following the letter shape. Depending on the time of year, rose colour prices vary so please check your rose colour with us.
Price start at £65 per letter.
Edged with either Ribbon, greenery or nothing at all and based with white chrysanthemums, these are created in the Punjabi alphabet.
As these have to be designed very specifically, this has to be planned well in advance – this will need to be discussed 5 days prior to ensure it can be designed/coloured to your design/vision.
Priced at £70 per character.